The 25th Anniversary Tour
The Cargo Tour

ATC Planning Grid for Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Movements by ARTCC/FIR
execute: SELECT totalFlights.FIR, SUM(totalFlights.Outbound), SUM(totalFlights.Inbound), SUM(totalFlights.Outbound + totalFlights.Inbound) FROM (SELECT a.`FIR` as FIR, COUNT(a.`FIR`) as Outbound, 0 as Inbound FROM `25th_ifrhistory` LEFT JOIN `25th_ifrflights` ON `25th_ifrhistory`.`flightID` = `25th_ifrflights`.`ID` LEFT JOIN `25th_airports` AS a ON a.`ICAO` = `25th_ifrflights`.`depairport` WHERE `25th_ifrhistory`.`exp_dep` >= 1731974400 AND `25th_ifrhistory`.`exp_dep` < 1732060800 GROUP BY a.`FIR` UNION ALL SELECT b.`FIR` as FIR, 0 as Outbound, COUNT(b.`FIR`) as Inbound FROM `25th_ifrhistory` LEFT JOIN `25th_ifrflights` ON `25th_ifrhistory`.`flightID` = `25th_ifrflights`.`ID` LEFT JOIN `25th_airports` AS b ON b.`ICAO` = `25th_ifrflights`.`arrairport` WHERE `25th_ifrhistory`.`exp_arr` >= 1731974400 AND `25th_ifrhistory`.`exp_arr` < 1732060800 GROUP BY b.`FIR`) as totalFlights GROUP BY totalFlights.FIR ORDER BY totalFlights.FIR:

Movements by Airport and UTC Time
execute: SELECT data.`ICAO`,COUNT(data.`ICAO`),`25th_airports`.`timezone_name`,`25th_airports`.`metar`,`25th_airports`.`FIR`,`25th_airports`.`name`,`25th_airports`.`city` FROM ( SELECT Dep.`ICAO` FROM `25th_ifrhistory` LEFT JOIN `25th_ifrflights` ON `25th_ifrhistory`.`flightID` = `25th_ifrflights`.`ID` LEFT JOIN `25th_airports` as Dep ON `25th_ifrflights`.`depairport` = Dep.`ICAO` WHERE `25th_ifrhistory`.`exp_dep` >= 1731974400 AND `25th_ifrhistory`.`exp_arr` < 1732060800 UNION ALL SELECT Arr.`ICAO` FROM `25th_ifrhistory` LEFT JOIN `25th_ifrflights` ON `25th_ifrhistory`.`flightID` = `25th_ifrflights`.`ID` LEFT JOIN `25th_airports` as Arr ON `25th_ifrflights`.`arrairport` = Arr.`ICAO` WHERE `25th_ifrhistory`.`exp_dep` >= 1731974400 AND `25th_ifrhistory`.`exp_arr` < 1732060800) AS data, `25th_airports` WHERE data.`ICAO` = `25th_airports`.`ICAO` GROUP BY data.`ICAO`: